Pyathadar(Pyathatgyi Temple) (803)

See Reference Books

Type of monument Type III Temple (Double cave)
LocationWest of Minnanthu Village
Built byKing Kyaswa
Date12th Century
Monument Number 803
Pyathatgyi (Pyathadar) Temple (803)

Pyathatgyi (Pyathadar) Temple is a double-cave type monument. Most of these kinds of monasteries were built out of wood. But some were built out of bricks and testify to the power of these monasteries. The architectural design explains the expansion of vaults and broad corridors which made it possible to pass from one building to the other. This monastery has Indian influence. It even contains a hall of ordination and a small palate.

Pyathadar is really the most interesting monastery in Bagan especially if one is interested in the last pagoda of Bagan, and with the techniques of construction. It was perhaps the last great construction of the dynasty of Bagan. The technique of the vaults on corridors intersected from and to each other is completely exceptional. This elegance in the construction industry is doubled of a massive superstructure but not compared to the Dhammayangyi, which is the most massive one of all.

Unique Arch of the Pyathatgyi Temple

Pyathatgyi Pagoda (Google Map)

Reference Books:

Glimpse of Glorious Bagan, Universities Historical Research Centre, Yangon, Myanmar, The University Press, 1996

Pictorial Guide to Pagan, Ministry of Culture, Yangon, Myanmar, The Printing and Publish Corporation, Reprint 1975

The Pagodas and Monuments of Bagan, Vol. 1, Translated by Dr Khin Maung Nyunt, Ministry of Information, Yangon, Myanmar, Graphic Training Centre (G.T.C), 1995

The Pagodas and Monuments of Bagan , Vol. 2, English Text by Dr Khin Maung Nyunt, Ministry of Information, Yangon, Myanmar, Graphic Training Centre (G.T.C), 1998

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