Alodawpyi Temple (374/228) (အလိုတော်ပြည့် ဂူဘုရား)

Alodaw Pyi Paya is a principal temple in a cluster of pagodas on the northern side of Anawrahta Road. It stands on the south east of Htilo Minlo Temple.

Alodawpyi Temple is a single storeyed temple built in the 12th Century AD. According to legend General Kyansittha stopped at this mound on one of his military expeditions and made a wish that he wish he may become a person who is victorious over all his enemies and who also propagate the Buddhist Sasana. His wish was fulfilled and he built this temple as per his vows.
The Alodawpyi temple is situated on the northwards of the Anawrahta Road just to the southeast of Wetkyi-inn village. The Archeological Department has recorded it as Temple No. 374/228.
The Alodawpyi Temple is representative of the architecture of the early Bagan period as shown by its slanting roof. The Buddha Images inside the temple are shown with the Dhammasakra mudra style (giving the Dhammasakra sermon). The various pictures on the walls are of the 28 previous Buddhas and also scenes from the Buddhist story “Wimala” are painted and captioned in old Mon script.
Also, there is a 16 lines inscription on one of the walls saying” I, the monk Toke Thin, finished renovation of this temple called Alodawpyi Temple and the glazed Buddha Image on the 11th waxing day of the month of Nayon. 556 Myanmar Era”. This date corresponds to 1st May, 1194 AD. The outside of the Temple also has many stucco carvings.
Type of monument Type III Temple (Zedi Pauk Gu)
Location Southeast of Wetkyi-In and North of Anawrahta Road
Region Nyaung U and Wetkyi-In
Built by Unknown
Date A D 1194
Monument Number 374/ 228

Alodawpyi Temple

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Reference Books:

Glimpse of Glorious Bagan, Universities Historical Research Centre, Yangon, Myanmar, The University Press, 1996

Pictorial Guide to Pagan, Ministry of Culture, Yangon, Myanmar, The Printing and Publish Corporation, Reprint 1975

The Pagodas and Monuments of Bagan, Vol. 1, Translated by Dr Khin Maung Nyunt, Ministry of Information, Yangon, Myanmar, Graphic Training Centre (G.T.C), 1995

The Pagodas and Monuments of Bagan, Vol. 2, English Text by Dr Khin Maung Nyunt, Ministry of Information, Yangon, Myanmar, Graphic Training Centre (G.T.C), 1998

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